Baixar O Ultimo Mapa Do Dota
Direct download link: REMEMBER: - Download the map and paste it in.Missing. Dota 6.83c AI Map Download Dota 6.83c AI Map Download News and Update. DotA 6.83c has just released today and I bet many players are now looking for th. A Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (WC3) Map in the Other/Misc category, submitted by _Black*Shad0w_. Please don`t re-upload this map or edit special you Jarrod. Apr 2, 2016 - This map created by Chinese member. This map is Dota 6.86 AI or Dota AI CN Final. Since the first day of the 6.86 Aether Lens rapidly became one of the most popular items for casters because of the 200 increased spell cast range. And it's not only that, Aether Lens also provides an 8% spell damage.

Miren muchachos, a mi me funca con todos el War3. Puedo jugar dota tranqui, ya que no tiene nada que ver el tipo de Letra que tiene, si no la actualizacion y lo que requiere el mapa, por ejemplo si dice que el 6.67 precisa tener instalado el parche 1.24 y vos tenes 1.23 no va a funcar lo mismo pasa con garena, si todos tiene 1.24 no se que letra, y vos tenes 1.24e, no importa, te va a funcar igual, lo que si, si tenias otro parche, vas a tener que cambiar el acceco desde opciones o Settings, ya que fue actualizado y cambio de alguna forma.
This map created by Chinese member. This map is Dota 6.86 AI or Dota AI CN Final Since the first day of the 6.86 Aether Lens rapidly became one of the most popular items for casters because of the 200 increased spell cast range. And it’s not only that, Aether Lens also provides an 8% spell damage increase and used to give 15% magic resistance. Since the beginning of the 6.86, Aether Lens was bought 607 times in competitive games before the 25 minute mark, which makes it one of the most popular items of the patch.
Dota v6.86 AI Map Download DotA AI CN FINAL.w3x – News and Update. Has just released and I bet many players are now looking for the AI version of DotA 6.86 map. Worry not, will give you the latest update of the DotA 6.86 AI development. Even though currently we still yet have a news about the development, we will make sure to let you know as fast we can when themap come out. • Is there anything else you would like to add? Especially information about latest details and features update. You can share by comment below.
Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy! If you find some bugs please comment below. Download Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia Easy Worship 2009 there. Good luck and have fun to all Fans Dota game.