Defcon Mods Installation

Defcon Deterrence ( ) is a modified version of DEFCON, a stunning online multiplayer game of global thermonuclear war published by Introversion. If you want your URL added, just send them to neil at, but be sure to tell us what category you want to have it listed under! We take on hacking in the old-school sense, covering everything from network security, open source and forensics, to DIY modding and the homebrew scene. Then we wrap it all up with a. All Tv Serial Title Song Free Download here. Simply extract the mod into your ‘Defcon’ directory. If done correctly, you should have a folder called “mods” in your ‘Defcon’ folder.

Defcon Mods Installation

I've been meaning to come up with a comprehensive guide to modding Defcon for a long time now so where best to start then going to the community and asking for help. I know zanzer7 has some points on his site but I can't seem to view it on my MacBook at the moment. Anyway, here's basically everything I've been able to recall from memory so far. If you have anything to add please post your contributions and I'll add them to this post. I'm also not the best speller in the world so don't be afraid to get me to make corrections. TOOLS: • Defcon v1.2 or later () () - Steam or nonSteam, doesn't matter • Rar unpacker i.e. (trial) - Required for unpacking main.dat and sounds.dat.

Also needed for packing your mod to make distribution easier. • Paint program i.e. (free) - Required if you want to make graphical changes such as different maps or units. • Text editor i.e. Notepad (free) - Required if you want to change city names, individual city placements, unit descriptions or translations. • Sound editor i.e. (free) - Required if you want to add or edit game sounds.

Steam Defcon

• (free) - Required if you want to easily create/place coastlines, borders, cities for a map you created. • (free) - Currently in development but when released it will make life easy for you if you don't exactly care where cities go. MATERIALS: • main.dat from your Defcon installation - extract it as a rar file into your Defcon directory. ( not required if all you want to do is edit current game sounds.) • sounds.dat from your Defcon installation - extract it as a rar file into your Defcon directory ( only needed if you want to make sound changes.) FIRST STEPS - Mod preparation: Since Defcon v1.2, mods can be activated and deactivated via the Mods menu within the game. The following describes how to create a mod that will work through this mechanism. • Create a folder called ' mods' in your Defcon directory.

If you've already installed a mod for Defcon then you will most likely not need to do this step. • Within the mods folder create another folder, this time give it a name relating to your mod. The name doesn't need to match your mod's actual name but if it makes life easier for everyone if it is revelant and unique. • The folder you just created will essentially contain your mod.

Within it you should place the following three things: mod.txt, screenshot.bmp, and a folder called 'data'. • The data folder is where you should place all the files you changed in order to create your mod.

They should be in the same hierarchical order as the files contained in data folder of your Defcon folder. • mod.txt should be a text file containing a desciption of your mod. Its format should be as such. Code: Name Sample Mod Version v1.7 Author Chris Delay Website Comment A simple mod designed to show how to make mods properly. • screenshot.bmp should be a bitmap image of 210x118 pixels. Niv Bible For Easy Worship 2009 Pc on this page. If you've never used mods in Defcon before you may wonder how this is used along with the mod.txt so here is an. GETTING FILES YOU WANT TO CHANGE: The first thing to realise when modding Defcon is that you can't add something, only replace i.e. Samsung M620 Flash File on this page.

You may change what a unit looks like but you can't add new units or add/change characteristics/behaviour (such as how fast something fires). In order to replace something you need to decide what you want to 'remove' from the game, locate its file in the data folder, copy it across to your mod's folder (while maintaning the same name and hierarchy i.e. Copy ' /Defcon/data/graphics/blip.bmp' to ' /Defcon/mods/yourmod/data/graphics/blip.bmp'), then change the copied file. Now on to listing things you may want to change and what you would need in order to do so. • To change a unit's description: Get ' /Defcon/data/language/english.txt' and change revelant line of 'Unit Info' section • To change the language (create a translation): Get ' /Defcon/data/language/english.txt' and translate.