Discourse And The Translator Hatim Pdf

Heriot Watt University

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: BOOK NOTICES 227 and links it to an Egyptian form, thus to ProtoAfrasian. In the first of the phonological papers, William Leben ('Intonation in Chadic: An overview', 199-218) offers a preliminary survey (mainly of Hausa) that provides a valuable starting point for further work on Chadic intonation. Carleton Hodge, in 'Hausa and the prothetic alif' (219-32), carries forward his exploration of The possibility of an Afrasian initial 'V, which in this case accounts for the treatment of initial CC clusters in Hausa. Zygmunt Frajzyngier & Robert Koops ('Double epenthesis and N-class in Chadic', 233-50) combine Hodge's idea with an analysis by Paul Newman to arrive at a double epenthesis—first ofa vowel and then of a glottal stop or fricative—in Chadic.

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This leads to the discovery of an animate «-class in Hausa and some other West Chadic languages. In a historical paper, Hermann Jungraithmayr ('Is Hausa an early or late stage Chadic language?' , 251-66) adopts Diakonoff's model of Afrasian 'stages' and concludes that Hausa is 'middle stage' in phonology and 'new stage' in vocabulary and verb morphology. Voigt ('Verbal conjugation in ProtoChadic ', 267-84) concludes that a prefix-conjugated aux in East Chadic is the source oflaterday final aspect vowels.