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The Candy Candy manga is a 'slice of life story' in the Shōjo genre. Candy is an abandoned orphan taken in the orphanage Pony's Home near Lake Michigan around the start of the 20th century. Crysis 3 Dx10 Crack Free Download more. She spends the first years of her life at the orphanage, where she will often return to repose and decide her next course in life. Growing up she gets adopted twice, first by the Leagans who treat her poorly, and after that by a wealthy benefactor whom she does not meet until the end of the story. But he is heir to an important estate, and a relation of her first love Anthony and his cousins the Cornwell brothers.
After Anthony dies, Candy gets an education in London where she meets the rebellious Terry, her second and grand love (in the words of the author Keiko Nagita/Kyoko Mizuki in the essays found on Misaki's website, 'the great love that cannot bear fruit'). Circumstances seem to constantly divide the pair. Upon her return in the US, she trains and gains experience in becoming a nurse in Chicago, around the time of WWI, while Terry tries to become a Broadway actor and meets another woman, Susannah, who hopes to get between Candy and Terry.
Eventually both have to make honest decisions for their own happiness while being true to themselves. And with the revelation of the identity of her guardian, Candy also discovers who her childhood hilltop prince is.
Berhubung ada beberapa orang yang penasaran ama endingnya Candy-candy (baik yang lupa maupun yang belum pernah baca komiknya –>untuk yang terakhir ini asli bikin gue ngerasa udah uzur hahaha karena ternyata gue baca komik Candy-candy 15-16 taun yang lalu ya bo), gue jadi pingin bikin sedikit ulasan soal ending Candy-candy. Basically, ending Candy-candy bisa dibilang hepi. Hanya saja buat gue tetep ga hepi, berhubung gue masih ngarep Candy jadian lagi ama Terry (meski di lubuk hati paling dalem si, gue masih berharap ada keajaiban, Anthony idup lagi kek, apa kek yang harus diakui bakal bikin Candy-candy jadi super garing kalo bener endingnya ngikutin maunya gue itoeh ^^). Gamehouse Magic Vines: Full Version Software.
Makanya, sebel banget pas baca di buku ke-9, Candy liat pementasan Terry yang down berat (patah hati ceritanya) di Rockstown, terus ga bener-bener ketemu, cuma ngeliat dari jauh dan pergi lagi sambil wish the best for him & Suzanna booo, ditemuin aja nape? X(X(X( Global story buku 9 (buku terakhir Candy-candy): Setelah kematian Stea, Neil yang jadi jatuh cinta ama Candy akhirnya maksa Nenek Elroy untuk mempertunangkan Candy & dirinya. Alih-alih ga ditolak, Neil udah pasang strategi: dia ngancem bakal nyusul jejak Stea jadi tentara sukarela kalo keinginannya ga dikabulin. Secara Nenek Elroy masih trauma ama kematian Stea di medan perang, dilakoninnya lah kemauan Neil itu, meski dia asli ga suka banget ama Candy (konsisten banget deh si nenek satu ini dari buku 1 sampe 9, tetep aja benci setengah idup ama Candy –>gue ga yakin deh sinetron kita sanggup ngikutin konsistensi ini. Pasti akan ada adegan maaf-maafan yang duh, bakalan ngga banget deh!) Candy yang desperate akhirnya dibantu George (asisten Paman William) untuk bertemu Paman William di Lakewood, meminta pertunangan dibatalin.