Fish Bot 3.3.5

Fish Bot 3.3.5

I think its funny that you believe that you can bypass warden just by running Windows 7 as a guest. If it was so easy then why did Mercury and company not just have both WOW and Glider run as guest and it would have saved them a few million dollars?

Archive pirox fishbot 3.3.5 published xrenb! Was just wondering if u will be updating ur fish bot for cata thanks. He probably wont update the fish bot tell after Cata comes out specially since there is only a month left tell they release it so just be patient and i am sure after Catas release he will have a new bot. I am playing a 3.3.5 private server with huge population.

Why because it doesnt work. Pirox would run easily as a guest and was the #1 pick of Chinese gold farmers for a long time but guess what HUGE BAN HAMMER! Because it doesnt matter how or when processes run on your machine Warden is server side and that is where it finds goofs.

Other full fledged bots that have been banwaved that would run win7 under guest are ebot France, and Ligume. Please for the love of god when you have no idea what you are talking about STFU because you make the MrFishIt community look absolutely retarded. I had no problems with the Bot last night, today when I turn it on, it crashes every time and this is the debug.

See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System. Sony Vhs Dvd Player Recorder. Exception: ReadUInt failed. “i am windows vista. Fish it working then i stoped using it for about 2 weeks. When i came back to try and run mr fish it, when i click on it it acts like its goin to start. Then nothing happens.

I go to task manager it shows its tryin to run in the backround but it no were on my screen. I am running it as a admin. Any suggestions would be appreciated” still haven same problem my Anti virus does not think its a virus.

Oziexplorerce 2.41 Keygen. And just incase i allowed the program thro the AV walls and i turned off my window firefalls. Still haven same problem. Wow you guize are r-tards. Not picking up the fish?

Try turning on Autoloot. SilentBob, check your system tray icons & see if it’s there. And almost ANY bot will return something on a virus scan, because it automates tasks without you being at your computer. Which is what a lot of viruses do. Also, always make sure you have.NET Framework 3.5 or better.

Nesox, you fucking rule! Thank you so much for this awesome bot & keeping it updated. Those qualities make this the best fishing bot anywhere! The program works famously.

-My- avast does not flag it as a virus, however it’s not uncommon for it to be seen as such. It is the same case with say, cracks for games. It’s a false positive because of the types of processes it runs. Suffice to say I haven’t had any problems. My account is secure, I haven’t been banned (yet, knock on wood) and this has had my fishing skill grinding life far easier.

My only complaint is the customization isn’t large enough nor flexible enough. It needs more features. Keep in mind I’m not demanding this though, since its free and all. I expect the bot is comming out if he still has some kind of use for it him selfe. Not as a wow player nessery but as a tool to learn programing or something. If there doesn’t come out a new bot I also belive we would have been notified, so no need to spam here tbh.

We all have to be patient, not lke we all can do better. Free ware with this kind of programming is rar to find, when stuff works not normaly cost $, like WoW-robot and such. Smile the make of the fishies and hope he will grant ous a new tool of exploitment!

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