Scary Maze Game 5 Levels

Play now the scariest and funniest maze at Prank your friends with the Scary Maze Game and have some laughs!

With an improved realistic sound system, great clarity in video due to the enhanced graphics, and more challenging levels of the game, Scary Maze Game 5 is an epic encounter that you would not dare play. In this 5th version of the scary maze game series, the developers have given special attention to making it more challenging for you to find your way out of the maze. The games can only be navigated using a mouse, with you being the pink dot (ball) that starts at the beginning of the maze. The aim here is to navigate your way out of the game’s maze. The completion of each level paves way to another level, until you complete the final level; level 4. As you progress through the levels, so does the difficulty increase.

This offers more challenge and a chance for continuity to the gamers—which is very crucial in any given game. In level 1, going navigating your way out of the maze, through its labyrinth-like structure is relatively easy. In level 2, things get a little bit more difficult since the shape of the maze keeps on changing. At level 3, there is a relatively wide path to move on thus making the level of average difficulty. At level 4, the final level, there is not much difficulty, but there is an unexpected twist in terms of the game’s challenges. As a key note, if you fail at any of these levels, you are forced to go back and start afresh at level 1. One should therefore strive not to fault easily.

Popular Scary Maze Games • When was the last time someone surprised you or you surprised someone? Or better yet, when was the last you surprised yourself?

Scary Maze Game 5 LevelsScary Maze Game 5 Levels

If your answer is somewhere dates somewhere bet. 2 views • Unlike most games where there are several instructions in order for you to play, Scary Maze Game 4 only has one simple rule for its players; do not touch the sides of the maze. 1 view • With an improved realistic sound system, great clarity in video due to the enhanced graphics, and more challenging levels of the game, Scary Maze Game 5 is an epic encounter t.

Playing Scary Maze Game 5 and Freaking Out Games are a new and fascinating medium where many people have come together to enjoy the many titles that come out each year. Of course, there are varying levels of gaming devotion, and often, the casual is mistaken as an aspect that doesn’t matter. In all truth, people who say this do not know the full value of casual gaming. They can scare, make you laugh, and give you exactly as much fun as any mainstream title could.

Casual games can also make you laugh through a funny scare as well. The game that does exactly this is the scary maze game 5. The Big Gag behind the Game If you’ve never watched the reaction videos on youtube, then you proabably don’t understand why it’s called “scary maze”. You see, the game actually has some pretty funny basis for how it works. The maze itself isn’t very hard. It starts out supremely wide, and leading through the maze is just a matter of moving the little dot with your mouse.

The farther you go, the smaller the path to get to the end. Jacket Design Software. Close to the end, the screen jumps into an image of the possessed girl in the excorcist, and whoever is playing is treated to a shrill scream. This, coupled with some very devent ear phones is extremely jarring and will make anyone watching the game jump up in fright. The best way to get anyone to fall for this at this point is to make sure that they have no idea what the game is. There are tons of reaction videos floating around so it is guaranteed that only a few of your friends will have no knowledge on the game itself.