Smartsketch Symbols
SmartSketch® is an innovative tool for the technical office, combining world class business diagramming with award-winning drawing technology. It is a versatile, cost. Lehmann Audio Decade Manual Woodworkers.

At my office we create drawings with lots of added text and sketched symbols usually along the extension line of a dimension. Currently we have to place the symbol then edit the rotation to make it parallel to the dim line. Does anyone have any good ideas to make the sketched symbol automatically orientate itself correctly? Take this one step further, any ideas on maybe some ilogic that would automatically add the correct symbol to the dim line based on the feature? For example, when we place a dim on the face of a flange, have the F. Bitsadmin 3.0 Download. O.F. Text automatcially inserted on the dim line? Or if you dim to a 2' pipe have the 2' CL symbol add automatically?
IF someone has a solution to this you will be a hero to me an everyone in my department.