Strike Fighters 2 S
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I want to ease back into flight sims with a simple flying game that is still somewhat realistic. Strike Fighters 2 seems like a good choice as it. Rare to have that kind of success rate with the Phoenix.
Mika Vainio Onko Rar Files. This skinpack adds in historical aircraft as used in Desert Storm for the A, E and R models KC-135. It is as close as possible with unit markings and features several nose arts.

Included Skins and decals for KC-135A/E/R models Cockpit and ini edits to make player flyable Required you will need the original KC-135 pack available here Installation download and install the above mod per its instructions unzip this mod, then install new mod folder categories to your mod folder (Aircraft to aircraft etc) allow overwrites fire up game, take off and go pass gas KNOWN ISSUES This was originally an AI only aircraft. Drivers Nebula 150. I added Dels C-130 pit so that it was flyable and I could check my work. That said, it is best to not fly from the cockpit as the Hercules' window frames don't match with the Stratotanker's windows. Credits BPAO- original model Dave- head of/released original project dels- C-130 cockpit, used to make each aircraft player flyable daddyairplanes- research, 90% tgas, ini work, touch up skin work yakarov79- skin templates, some tgas (saved me a chunk of time photographing from a book so again thank you!) Testing Crew yakarov79, allenjb42, Eole Big Thanks to Plattsburgh Air Force Base - Plattsburgh NY Facebook Group Wurthsmith Air Museum Grissom Air Museum for their support with harder to find historical images to complete this project 42 downloads • •.