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Welcome to BleepingComputer, a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers. Using the site is easy and fun. As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to an existing one unless you are logged in. Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site. Aplikasi Facebook Seluler Untuk Laptop.
Or read our to learn how to use this site. My system got infected with the nasty virus called win32Chir.B@mm aka win32runouce.exe I guess through an email message. My MSE antivirus software seems unable to contain the virus as it seems to have been removed one moment and the next moment you see it showing up again and it keeps multiplying and importing other viruses. I tried to uninstall the adobe CS4 as my antivirus software showed it to be infected but I couldn't. I went to the registry to delete the runonce key as some websites suggest but the key has reappeared. I disabled the runouce at startup through msconfig but the problem has persisted.