No Skill Delay Hack Ragnarok Bot
Hi guys, I'd like to let you know I released the last version ( 1.3 ) of my bypass: DOWNLOAD LINKS: GUI version: Command Line version: Not. Elite*gold: 0. The Black Market: 0/0/0. Join Date: Oct 2012. Received Thanks: 23. No this has nothing to do with openkore sorry. V0n is offline. No effect actually. Only Image Hack and speedhack. First you can Download the newest cheat engine at HERE for the special Cheat Engine that can edit. Choose your Ragnarok Client at the List and click inject button. Ministrel job's is to give Poem of Bragi so all the party skill at the Land Protector will be no delay.
Just a followup to this issue: This bug is still existent in the present build of Hercules ( and rathena too! ) but not on any eathena servers. Htc Touch P3450 Elf Roms. How to reproduce: 1 - Record packet via WPE / RPE. 2 - Send the recorded packet. 3 - Try to send the packet outside the range of skills. NOTE: If you followed the temporary fix on the link would only fix the vertical and horizontal range of the skill.but if you try the diagonal way - the bug still persists!
I have a screenshot of a guild abusing this, please see screenshot below: As you can see, their guild programmer made a program that modify the client binaries to prevent the client from sending the move packet when using skills.that's why it turns out to be behaving like it's only sending packets without moving - and the bug shows up! Notice how he is casting dispell outside the correct range. Please fix this, a cheat that is on its way on becoming famous is abusing it ( xrag ) and its not healthy for the competitive WoE community and the whole RO community in general. Buku Tik Sd Kelas 2.
I can confirm this issue since 2012. Still not fixed, and very dangerous. Botters & Guilds do money of selling this shit, a lot of reports at rathena, a lot of reports at hercules, nobody care. Some guy said he already fix the bug with range issue, but it's not, and his fix not working at all. What a shame for people who can prevent it, but do nothing against. Cara Enkripsi Software Dengan Secure Dongle. All of this bugs possible to deny at server-side • maya-p. Hack ->dynamic packets with salt.
• range-hack ->server must read data of src & dst where they are at server-side, and attack only if range but this exploit will be closed. • freewalk ->cell_nostack block that shit. • visual bots & autopots ->nothing to do here, it's client-based shit. Against Visual bots maybe will be good some captcha (i saw some time ago some guys already reported about missed packets at clients since 2009 about the captcha, but i do not know about this function. • mousebooters ->they bypass client-side delays. In most cases, few tips & tricks can make cheaters life harder. • complete packet encryption • live file validation (visual bots using cyntax & greyworld, to clean the map from different colored pixels, then botters using changed sprites of mobs & different tools like UOPilot, where they write a macroses what they want to do.