Windroye 2.8
Download Windroye Versi 2.8.2 Offline Installer Terbaru Gratis Free, Software Emulator Android Teringan Untuk Menjalankan Aplikasi di PC, emulator yang dapat / cara.

Windroye 2. Nch Express Accounts 5.24 Activation Code. 8.2a How to uninstall Windroye 2.8.2a from your PCThis web page is about Windroye 2.8.2a for Windows. Here you can find details on how to remove it from your PC. It is produced by Windroy, Inc. Open for more info on Windroy, Inc. More information about the software Windroye 2.8.2a can be seen at. Windroye 2.8.2a is commonly installed in the C: Program Files (x86) Windroye directory, depending on the user's option. You can uninstall Windroye 2.8.2a by clicking on the Start menu of Windows and pasting the command line C: Program Files (x86) Windroye uninst.exe. Keep in mind that you might receive a notification for administrator rights. The program's main executable file occupies 1.22 MB (1279952 bytes) on disk and is called Windroye.exe. The executable files below are installed together with Windroye 2.8.2a. They take about 3.61 MB ( 3783781 bytes) on disk.
• 7z.exe (167.45 KB) • aapt.exe (834.45 KB) • adb.exe (807.45 KB) • config.exe (62.95 KB) • configV.exe (48.95 KB) • install.exe (57.45 KB) • uninst.exe (171.02 KB) • Windroye.exe (1.22 MB) • WindroyeCheck.exe (117.45 KB) • WindroyeManager.exe (177.95 KB) The current page applies to Windroye 2.8.2a version 2.8.2 only. If you're planning to uninstall Windroye 2.8.2a you should check if the following data is left behind on your PC.
Windroye adalah yang memungkinkan kita Android di PC. Windroye 2.8.2a ini merupakan emulator android yang paling terbaru, ringan dan stabil, hampir semua aplikasi Android sudah support. Dengan Windroye ini, kamu juga bisa menjalankan berbagai games Android d, seperti Get Rich, Angry Birds, Hay Day, Clash of Clans, dan masih banyak lagi. Selain itu, cara install Windroye ini juga sangat mudah, hanya butuh beberapa klik saja.
Agar Windroye ini dapat berjalan dengan lancar, minimal PC kamu harus mempunyai RAM 2 GB.